Zack Nado

Artificial intelligence, cats, and space.


This is my site! I write things here about AI, cats, and/or space.

  • ε, A Nuisance No More

    For a while now I have been advocating for tuning ε in various parts of the modern deep learning stack, and in this post I’ll explain why.

  • Machine Learning Starter Kit

    A lot of people ask me how to get started with machine learning/artificial intelligence, so took what I usually say and wrote it down in one place!

  • The Little Satellite That Could

    The undergraduate space engineering team I was a part of built a satellite for $4000 that acts as an artificial shooting star. EQUiSat is now alive and well in space!

  • Generating Pusheen with AI

    I made a machine learning program that generates new (sometimes novel!) Pusheen pictures!